How many of you are facing problem in deciding which course to choose?
How many of you are unsure of what you going to be/do in the future?
Most of the school leavers will face these problems when proceeding to university/ college life. Yet, how many of them can make the decision correctly and proud to be who they are and what they will do later on?
Being involved in the education fairs and open days for the past 1 1/2 months, I saw and met lots of school leavers that plan to go for higher education. During the education fairs, I saw students everywhere seeking information about the courses available and suitable colleges, stopped by each and every stall to get advices and compare among the colleges/universities. Some might have clear direction on exactly what they what to go with, but some might still lost and require guidance from their parents, friends as well as those counselors. That's the purpose of education fairs are held and our counselors and all student ambassadors are there ready to help them sorting out their confusion.
But, the student will still hold the final decision on choosing the course and studying in which university/ college.
Most of the time, I will still heard people asked "What course is the easiest one?".
My advice to those students: instead of looking for the easiest course, why don't you ask yourself what course you like the most or what field you interested in? That's no course which will be forever the easiest, if you got no passion or interested in doing it, you will still suffer at the end of your course, even in your career lifetime.
It is just like most of the people think business is an easy course to study and easy to score, but do you like theories? If not, you will face problem in memorize or even understand these theories by heart. Or are you capable to utilize or dissolve these business knowledge into real business practices? If not, you will be stuck in carrying out your responsibility in the organization and hard to be promote to higher position due to low work productivity or weak commitment. etc... It goes same to other courses where different courses have different difficulties to consider on.
Besides, there are also students that faced problem in making rush decision, following their parents' step or friends' influence. But, this causes them ended up getting lost and even feel stress and helpless in the entire of their study life. With blessed, some students are able to detect this problem at the beginning stage of their study and thus able to change to another program without waste long time study for nothing. However, there are some students that get lost in the middle or at the end of the study. If their financial status allow them to change program, it will definitely a blessed and good news for them to know what they want now. But what if they still choosing the wrong program? Or the student's financial doesn't allow him/her to do so? So, it means the student still has to spend time suffer with the course or even entire of his/her career.
Hence, it is crucial for students to choose the most suitable course for themselves considering their strengths and weaknesses. It is just as simple like an accounting student doesn't like digits and calculation, a medical student is hemophobia.
Thanks God, I am lucky enough to study what I am interested in, International Business Management and 60% of International students in APU allow us to mix with students from different countries, exchange ideas and understand the cultures and business operations from these countries.
Although people always take this course as the easiest course compared to other courses, such as engineering, IT or even accounting. But, right here, I will tell those people "Although this course doesn't require high skills as engineering, IT and accounting courses, without business concepts or management, you can be superior in your engineering field/IT field/accounting field, but the chances for those experts (engineering, IT, accounting) to present or introduce their idea successfully to the society/ market will be comparatively low or even can be say near to zero.".
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