Monday, 19 November 2012

我家大学也是 Lakeside Campus!! ^ ^

This was actually an old photo taken on 9th November 2012 by my friend, Vince Chock Yee Ming, but I think it is good to share the joy to A.P.U students.
~ My college is also a lakeside campus (Credit to Vince Chock)

Now, Taylor no more is the only one lakeside campus. Thanks to FBM @ Mines, we are partially counted as students that study in a lakeside campus as well??!!...haha

Start Blogging and Review for The Past~~

Although being studying in A.P.U for almost 2 and 1/2 years, but I have just created my very first blog officially at this moment, 19 November 2012 @ 11.59pm!!! share my feelings and experiences experienced in A.P.U for the past, current as well as future.

For the Past
I have experienced lots of incidents for the past 2 1/2 years, either minor or major, from a very very shy girl to talkative lady, went through each and every birthday celebrations and gatherings, being selected as a student helper/ student ambassadors and course selected was shifted from one place to another place (tpm to mines). All these incidents have delighted my college life.

~ Farewell party for Ryan

~ Photo taken on Mr Cho's last day working in A.P.U



~ Trip to National Science Center by Maths and Science Club

These are some brief reviews of my college life in the past.
Below are the links that get to know more about what I had done in the college for the past 2 years++.